Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Opportunity to serve

Those who know me know I love to give service when I can. Those who know me also know I love to share some of my experiences with giving service, not to boast or be noticed, but to encourage and inspire, and to remind that even those in the humblest of circumstances can give of themselves. I had one such experience tonight on the way home from work that I would like to share.

I was driving home from work, it was about 1:00 in the morning. I was driving on an unlit road that leads to our apartment complex. As I approached the entrance to the parking lot, I saw to my right a woman trying to push an overloaded shopping cart, which held what looked to be everything she owned. I stopped at the entrance and watched her for a few seconds, and I had a feeling that I should turn around and see if she needed help. I pulled up beside her and asked if I could help her with anything. She asked if I had a cigarette, but as I don't smoke, I couldn't provide that for her. So I asked her if she could use some money. She said yes, that would be helpful. I'd thought I had cash in my wallet, but it was empty. So I dug all the change out that we had in the car and I gave it to her. I asked her if there was anything else I could help her with, and she said no. I had a feeling to ask her if she had any water, and she said she didn't. I had a full water bottle in the car that I used for work, so I picked it up and offered it to her. She gratefully accepted. As I pulled away, I felt bad that I couldn't do more to help her. As I pulled into our parking spot, I felt compelled to go to the gas station and pull out $40 from an ATM to give to her. I went and pulled it out, and drove back down that unlit road, pulled over and got out of the car and handed her the money. She told me I didn't have to, and I told her I felt like it was what I needed to do. She shook my hand and gave me a hug, and expressed sincere gratitude for my generosity. I asked her where she was staying, and found out she doesn't have anywhere to stay. We got into a little conversation about the homeless shelter, police officers, and the state things are in right now. I told her my wife and kids used to stay at the homeless shelter. She asked me where I work and I told her at a temp job, and she expressed concern that the money I had given her would cut into our family's budget, but I told her we had a little extra money right now, so we'd be fine. We said our goodbyes and she gave me another hug, and told me how grateful she was for my help.

I still feel bad that I couldn't do more to help her, but I feel like I did all the Spirit lead me to do. I pray that the Lord will help this woman through her temporal struggles, I pray for more opportunities to help others in need, and I pray that we all can be open to the promptings of the Holy Ghost, so we can be instruments in Heavenly Father's hands when He calls us to be.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.