Thursday, April 7, 2016

Bird in flight

Faith in action is a bird in flight.

A bird, with its wings designed for flight, does not fly right out of the egg.  The bird has to be nurtured, strengthened, and taught how to fly by trial and error.  The bird has to believe that it can fly.  But belief alone is not enough.  Unless the bird takes that step off the limb of the tree and spreads its wings, it will never take flight as it is meant to.  The bird will fall a few times.  But as it keeps trying, the bird eventually achieves flight.  The bird believed it could fly, but it had to also DO in order for it to happen.  Once the bird learns to fly, it cannot simply rely on that knowledge to stay in flight.  It has to continually apply that knowledge and act on it, otherwise the bird will fall.

To exercise faith, we must do as the bird does.  We must believe, then we must do, then we must continue doing.