Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The War on Bishops

There's a lot of misunderstanding, and even outright fallacies, concerning the criticism of the LDS Church regarding worthiness interviews with Priesthood Leaders. Let me clarify a few things.

Bishops do not go out of their way to ask sexually explicit questions. If a Bishop asks a member behind closed doors a question concerning said member's sexuality or sexual activity, it is because there is a valid concern that needs to be addressed.

Bishops do not shame or put members down for breaking the law of chastity. That's not their responsibility. A Bishop's responsibility is to give counsel, and to help members under his watch overcome their sins. How can a Bishop help a member overcome his/her sins if he doesn't blatantly discuss said sins with him/her?

Bishops are not perfect. No one is, save Jesus alone. That's why we have guidelines concerning the affairs of Christ's Church on Earth. Not all follow those guidelines, thus necessitating the implementation of further guidelines and rules to further protect those who could be in a position of vulnerability. The necessity of these rules and guidelines is not indicative of the condition of the Church as a whole, but of the influence Satan has over the hearts of men, and the necessity of being increasingly vigilant in an increasingly wicked world.

Lobbying against the Church, whether done by members or non-members, is not going to change the Lord's mind concerning the law of chastity. Breaking this law will prevent a member from being in good standing with not only the Church, but with God. The Scriptures are ripe with the teaching that God cannot give the least degree of allowance, and no unclean thing can enter His presence. Among all other duties of a Bishop is the duty to guide those whom he has stewardship over in the correct path that leads back to our Father in Heaven. Bishops in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will continue to reference the law of chastity in worthiness interviews and other closed door meetings with members of the Ward they preside over as long as there is sin in the world. Guidelines and rules concerning these interviews may continue to adjust, but only because the world in its lost and fallen state necessitates it.

Finally, Bishops and other Priesthood Leaders who have abused the sacred trust that comes with the responsibility of having closed door interviews, while their actions are done while holding a Church appointed office, are not a reflection of the standards of the Church, but a reflection of the hold Satan has on that Priesthood Leader. The Church condemns such abuse, whether by one holding a Priesthood office or not, whether by a member or non-member, it is condemned on all sides.

Being a Bishop, or holding any office in the Priesthood, is a sacred responsibility, and a difficult one, made even more difficult by those who choose to condemn said Priesthood holder for doing his best to fulfill the responsibility the Lord gave him rather than sustain him in his office, or to condemn all who are called by the Lord in that capacity based on the actions of a few who obviously chose to break the sacred covenants they've made in favor of selfishness. They're doing the best they can with what they've been given, just like you and I. Let them do their job, and quit trying to steady the ark just because you don't fully agree with or understand the Lord's purposes.