Thursday, October 10, 2013

Position determines responsibility

I work in fast food. My position is mostly cashier, where my responsibilities are to greet the customer, take the order, collect the money, and hand out the order. There is a coordinator, who gets the order put together, a sandwich maker, who makes the food, and a grill person, who keeps the food fresh. There's other various positions that have different responsibilities. Each position, if necessary and if they are able, can help the other positions fulfill their responsibilities, but for the most part need to stick with their responsibilities in order to fulfill the ultimate goal, which is making the customer happy. It takes everyone doing their individual jobs, and helping each other out when needed, to achieve this goal.

In the family, there are also different positions, which each have their individual responsibilities. The father is responsible for providing for the physical and financial needs of the family, and being the head, leading the family in the direction they need to go. The mother is responsible for nurturing the kids and teaching them, and taking care of household duties. The kids are responsible for learning and growing, and of course, playing as much as possible. And the grandparents are responsible for spoiling the kids rotten and sending them home to mom and dad. (Of course there are special cases when these responsibilities need to be switched up because of one's inability to fulfill them, but this post is mostly intended for those who are physically and mentally capable of taking their designated role.) It takes everyone doing their individual jobs, and helping each other out when needed, to achieve the ultimate goal, which is a happy and fulfilling life that will last into the eternities.

In both cases, with work and with the family, and with any case that involves responsibility, the individual doesn't choose his/her responsibilities, or preference doesn't always determine what an individual is responsible for, but rather the position that someone is in determines what his/her responsibilities are. Each position, or each member of the family, can and should help each other fulfill their responsibilities, if necessary, and if they are able to, but they also need to fulfill their own individual responsibility in order to meet the ultimate goal. Responsibility is like a puzzle piece. No matter how small or insignificant you may think your responsibility is, the whole puzzle cannot be complete unless each piece is in its place.

This is why, in the LDS Church, we try to stick so closely to family responsibilities. Each piece needs to be in place to complete the puzzle. If all the pieces aren't where they're supposed to be, the family does not run properly, and some responsibilities get put on the back burner in favor of others that don't fill the gap. We have our jobs, and we need to do them, and help each other when needed. This is the way of the Lord. Remember, His house is a house of order, and without order there is chaos. We are put in the positions we're in because we are the ones God had trusted to fulfill those responsibilities. While we may not see the whole puzzle, God does, and if we do what He asks us to do, we will become what He knows we can become.

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